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1 Nov 2024
Uncovering Sub-Regional Drivers of Deforestation in the Amazon: A Tool for Targeted Solutions
This technical brief provides the first region-wide analysis of the commodity-specific agricultural drivers of deforestation across the Amazon region at a sub-national level, offering insights to inform more effective and equitable conservation policy.

2 May 2024
Trase and AdAstra: Powering action on carbon emissions from land conversion
Trase data enables organisations to map supply chains, understand risks and opportunities, inform decision making and communicate progress towards sustainability goals.

30 Apr 2024
Prospects and challenges for policy convergence between the EU and China to address imported deforestation
The EU and China are major importers of ‘forest-risk’ commodities and thus play a pivotal role in shaping the sustainability of those commodities supply chains. The EU recently introduced a regulation mandating due diligence by companies to ensure commodities are not sourced from recently deforested land. However, even if eventually successful in eliminating ‘imported’ deforestation to Europe, the regulation risks creating leakage to China and other markets.

27 Mar 2024
Deforestation exposure of US direct imports from October 2021 to November 2023
This document sets out the methods and analysis used to explore the exposure of the United States to tropical and subtropical deforestation via its direct imports of seven high-risk commodities between October 2021 and November 2023. It was prepared by Trase (a collaboration between Global Canopy and the Stockholm Environment Institute) at the request of Global Witness in February 2024.

10 Oct 2023
Soja e conformidade legal no Brasil: Riscos e oportunidades no âmbito do Regulamento da UE sobre o Desmatamento
Este relatório da Trase e do ICV, com colaboração do Atlas Agropecuário (Imaflora), avalia a conformidade da produção de soja na Amazônia e no Cerrado com elementos-chave do Código Florestal. Além disso, discute as implicações relacionadas ao cumprimento dos requisitos do novo Regulamento da União Europeia sobre o Desmatamento.

1 Oct 2023
Assessing the water footprint of Belgium’s agricultural commodity supply chains
Trase (SEI York and Global Canopy) was commissioned by Belgium’s Federal Public Service for Heath, Food Chain Safety and Environment (FPS Public Health) to provide an assessment of Belgium’s water footprint via its trade and consumption of imported agricultural commodities. The main aim is to provide a detailed understanding of country and commodity-specific water consumption and the associated water-related environmental pressures to identify hotspots of potential commodity water risk which warrant further investigation.

25 Sep 2023
Soja e conformidade legal no Brasil: Riscos e oportunidades no âmbito do Regulamento da UE sobre o Desmatamento (metodologia)
Read the methodology on datasets, data processing and analysis (PT).

25 Sep 2023
Soy and legal compliance in Brazil: Risks and opportunities under the EU deforestation regulation (methodology)
Read the methodology on datasets, data processing and analysis.

25 Sep 2023
Soy and legal compliance in Brazil: Risks and opportunities under the EU deforestation regulation
Research by Trase and Instituto Centro de Vida (ICV), in collaboration with the Agriculture Atlas Program from Imaflora, assesses the compliance of soy production in the Amazon and Cerrado with key elements of Brazil’s Forest Code and the implications for meeting the requirements of the new EU deforestation regulation.

31 Aug 2023
Ringkasan: Pengukuran risiko (risk benchmarking) untuk peraturan deforestasi Uni Eropa
Trase dan Proforest menyusun kerangka kerja dan metodologi terkait desain sistem pengukuran untuk implementasi peraturan deforestasi Uni Eropa (EU Deforestation Regulation, EUDR). Rekomendasi ini disusun berdasarkan pengalaman dalam memberikan saran dan masukan kepada kelompok industri mengenai sistem pengukuran risiko terhadap komoditas untuk memenuhi komitmen sukarela dari industri untuk menghentikan deforestasi.
Displaying 10 of 96 publications
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